The Global Deal

Launch of thematic brief - Upskilling and reskilling for the twin transition: The role of social dialogue




 About the publication


cover twin transition

    table of contents of twin transition brief


The twin transition – which describes the move towards a more digitalised and at the same time more environmentally sustainable economy – is changing how we work, where we work and what we work on. In the medium to long term, it has the potential to lead to more inclusive growth by fostering innovation, increasing productivity, and creating quality jobs. In the short term, however, the twin transition threatens to disrupt our labour markets. As these disruptions affect regions, sectors, and population groups differently, there is a risk of widening divides between people, firms, and regions. Upskilling and reskilling are key to managing these disruptions. The publication delves into the role of social partners in equipping workers with the necessary skills so that they can adapt to a rapidly changing environment and, ultimately, pave the way for inclusive and sustainable growth.

> Read the thematic brief



 About the launch webinar

On the 14th June, the Global Deal hosted a panel discussion to launch the thematic brief on the role of social dialogue in upskilling workers amidst the twin transition. The event featured a presentation by the author followed by a panel discussion from representatives of the world of work. 

Watch event

> Agenda


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