
  • 4-June-2020

    English, PDF, 238kb

    Parceria social nos tempos da pandemia COVID-19

    A pandemia da COVID-19 e as medidas de distanciamento social que foram adotadas em resposta aumentam as perspectivas de uma forte desaceleração para numerosas economias. Uma preocupação fundamental é evitar que o impacto inicial leve a uma recessão ainda mais profunda e prolongada. Este informe salienta que o diálogo social pode ajudar nisso.

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  • 21-April-2020

    English, PDF, 2,040kb

    Social dialogue and the future of work

    The new brief “Social Dialogue and the Future of Work” shows that social dialogue delivers sustainable economic growth, social justice and work relations that can improve business performance and increase workers’ share in rising profitability. The future of work presents a number of opportunities and challenges that require common solutions achieved through social dialogue.

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  • 10-April-2020

    English, PDF, 401kb

    Social partnership in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic and the social distancing measures taken in response raise the prospect of a steep downturn for numerous economies. A key concern is to prevent this initial shock from turning into an even deeper and prolonged recession. This brief stresses that social dialogue has the capacity to help.

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  • 19-February-2020

    English, PDF, 1,934kb


    Thematic Brief: Social Dialogue for the transition from the informal to the formal economy

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  • 19-February-2020

    English, PDF, 1,043kb


    Thematic Brief The Contribution of Social Dialogue to Gender Equality

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  • 19-February-2020

    Spanish, PDF, 1,002kb


    Thematic Brief – la contribucion del dialogo social a la iguildad de genero

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  • 19-February-2020

    French, PDF, 1,014kb


    Thematic Brief - La contribution du dialogue social à l'égalité des sexes

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  • 19-February-2020

    English, PDF, 1,375kb


    Thematic Brief - Achieving Decent Work and Inclusive Growth - The Business Case for Social Dialogue

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  • 19-February-2020

    English, PDF, 1,732kb

    Facilitating Social Dialogue under the OECD guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

    Facilitating Social Dialogue under the OECD guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

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  • 19-February-2020

    English, Word doc, 213kb


    Template for Submitting Commitments to the Global Deal

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