The Global Deal

Costa Rica joins the Global Deal


January 2025


The Global Deal is pleased to welcome the Government of Costa Rica as its newest partner. In joining this initiative, Costa Rica underlines its continued commitment to promote social dialogue to strengthen the legitimacy and sustainability of public policies for decent work, improve competitiveness and productivity and advance compliance with the SDGs.

In the past, the government of Costa Rica has shown the value it attaches to social dialogue when it designed and implemented its National Strategy for the Transition to the Formal Economy. This was portrayed as a good practice case study in the 2024 Global Deal Flagship report. Moving forward, Costa Rica is committed to rely on social dialogue to design the national employment policy, within the Higher Labour Council, its national tripartite consultation body, as well as to strengthen the national employment system and the National Employability and Human Talent Strategy 2023-2027 (ENETH-CR) and its Action Plan, also known as the BRETE Strategy.

The Global Deal looks forward to engaging with Costa Rica in its work to promote social dialogue at the national level, and to sharing expertise and good practices from across the partnership as well benefitting from the experience of Costa Rica in using social dialogue to address contemporary labour market challenges.


Mr Andrés Romero, the Minister of Labour and Social Security for Costa Rica said ‘for Costa Rica, social dialogue is not just a tool but a guiding philosophy that has shaped our public policies toward building a more just and competitive nation. We will continue to strengthen these efforts with the vision of ensuring decent work and real opportunities for everyone, building a national employment system that stands as a model of equity and development".’’


Ms Glenda Quintini, Head of the Global Deal support unit underlined “We are very happy to welcome Costa Rica as a new member, which reflects the government’s continued commitment to the promotion of social dialogue – a commitment developed and maintained over many years. Costa Rica has forcefully shown the added value of social dialogue when developing labour market policies.”


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